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F&P no Encontro Nacional de Advogados da ABRAPP

Nos dias 10 e 11 de Agosto a Flach & Philippsen, representada pela Dra. Maria Cristina Mees, Coordenadora da Area de Fundos de Pensão junto com o Dr. Fernando Flach, Diretor, paritciparam do 10º Encontro Nacional de Advogados das Entidades Fechadas de Prêvidencia Complementar que aconteceu no Windsor Barra no Rio de Janeiro, que contou com as presenças dos maiores fundos de pensão do pais, tais como PREVI, PETROS, FUNCEF, dentre outros.

F&P at the ABRAPP National Attorney Meeting

August 10th-11th, Flach & Philippsen, represented by the Coordinator of the Pension Funds Department Dr. Maria Cristina Mees, along with Senior Managing Partner Dr. Fernando Flach, participated in the 10th National Attorney Meeting for Closed Supplementary Pension Entities, held at Windsor Barra in Rio de Janeiro, along with representatives from the largest pension funds in Brazil, such as REVI, PETROS, FUNCEF, and others.

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